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What to expect during your Root Canal treatment

A root canal sounds like fun. Wait, what do you call a root canal when you're talking about something not fun?

We all know that root canals aren’t one of the most exciting things to do in the dentist’s office. But sometimes they’re necessary to get you back on track with your oral health. And let’s be honest, dentistry hasn’t changed all that much since painful root canals of yore.

What is a root canal??

In some cases, bacteria can enter a tooth and infect the pulp, which is made up of connective tissues, blood vessels and nerves.

In some cases, bacteria can enter a tooth and infect the pulp, which is made up of connective tissues, blood vessels and nerves.

What do you need to know about a root canal?

Root canals can take anywhere from 1 to 2 sessions, depending on the individual case. First, your dentist will apply local anaesthetic to your tooth before drilling a tiny hole in your tooth’s crown to access the diseased pulp.

Small dental instruments are then used to remove the pulp, followed by cleaning, disinfection, and shaping of the root canal inside the tooth.

In the majority of cases, a dental crown is necessary to secure your tooth and allow you to bite normally. A dental crown is designed to fit your mouth and is typically manufactured over a period of two weeks. You will then return to the office to receive your dental crown.

In the majority of cases, a dental crown is necessary to secure your tooth and allow you to bite normally. A dental crown is designed to fit your mouth and is typically manufactured over a period of two weeks. You will then return to the office to receive your dental crown.

The sooner a root canal is performed, the better, as it can prevent the infection from progressing to the jawbone and potentially leading to the loss of the tooth.

What Is Involved In A Root Canal?

One of the most commonly performed dental procedures today is the root canal. Root canals are typically required when the pulp (the soft tissue inside the tooth) becomes infected.

The infection can be due to a cavity, a tooth crack, or trauma. Once infected, the pulp starts to die and the bacteria start to multiply. If the infection is not treated, it can lead to the formation of an abscess. An abscess is a pocket of pus-filled tissue at the bottom of the tooth.

There are many advantages to root canal treatment, such as:

Relief from Pain: Root canal treatment is one of the most common reasons people go for root canal treatment. Root canal treatment removes the root of the pain and allows you to feel relief.
Root canal treatment is used to treat infections or damage in the pulp of the tooth. If the pulp is damaged, it can cause a lot of pain, especially when you bite down on the tooth.

Save Your Tooth: Root canal treatment lets you keep your natural tooth instead of having to extract it. This can help keep your smile and gum function.

Prevent further damage: If an infection or pulp damage is not treated, it can progress to other areas of the tooth or to other tooth surfaces. Root canal treatment stops the progression of infection and prevents further tooth loss.

Conclusion: -

Getting a root canal can be intimidating, but with proper preparation and knowledge, it’s a relatively painless procedure. Before the procedure, you’ll likely have a thorough exam and consultation with your dentist. You’ll likely feel minimal pain during the treatment thanks to local anesthesia and modern techniques that ensure efficiency and accuracy. After the procedure, you may experience some tenderness or soreness, but this is normal and can be managed with over the counter pain medication. Make sure to follow your dentist’s instructions for post-treatment care to promote healing and make sure the procedure goes as smoothly as possible. All in all, if you know what to expect and stay informed, you can look forward to your root canal with peace of mind.

"What to expect during your Root Canal treatment: Feel free to contact us at Platinum Smile Dental Clinic for expert care and personalized guidance. Visit us at platinum smile dental clinic for more information."