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The Dentist’s Guide to a Beginner’s Teeth Cleaning

A tooth cleaning is a common dental procedure that removes plaque (a type of plaque) and tartar (a type of tartar). Plaque is a build-up of bacteria on the surface of your teeth. Tartar and plaque can cause cavities and gum disease, as well as bad breath and other health issues. Teeth cleanings are an important part of preventive dental care and help maintain the health and strength of your teeth.

What are Teeth Cleaning?

A basic teeth cleaning (also known as a scaling or polishing) is a routine dental appointment that your hygienist performs to maintain your pearly whites! During this short appointment, your dentist removes plaque from your teeth, smooth’s over the surfaces, and removes bacteria and plaque buildup from your teeth. They also floss between your teeth to remove food particles and bacteria that have accumulated between them. Your dentist may also perform X-rays on your teeth to see if there are any signs of decay or problems, so they can catch them early and treat them! Most dental hygienists recommend that you have a basic teeth cleaning at least once per year to maintain your oral health!

If your gums have been inflamed or irritated as a result of recent dental implant surgery, your dentist may suggest more frequent dental cleanings in the first few days after treatment to help keep your mouth cleaner and reduce the risk of infection. If you have other factors that can increase the risk of gum disease, your dentist may also recommend more frequent dental cleaning. Discuss with your dentist what is best for you!

What Are the Benefits of Teeth Cleaning?

Plaque and tartar aren’t just good for your smile. They’re also an important part of periodontal health. When plaque builds up in your teeth, it can cause gum disease. When gum disease develops, it can cause tooth loss, as well as other health issues.

If you don’t clean your teeth regularly, you’re more likely to develop cavities that may require fillings or root canals.

You’re also at risk of developing gingivitis. Gingivitis is the first step in gum disease. If left untreated, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis. Periodontitis causes your gums to detach from your teeth and form pockets around them. The pockets can become infected and lead to serious health problems such as heart disease and strokes.

Regular teeth cleanings are your best defense against these issues.

What Are the Pros of Getting Regular Teeth Cleaning?

Prevents decay and gum infection: When plaque builds up on your gums, it increases your risk for gum disease and gum decay. Brushing your teeth doesn’t get rid of the tartar that builds up on the gum line. Only teeth cleaning can get rid of it. During your deep cleaning, your New Westminster dentist may also do root planing. Root planing is the process of reattaching your gums to your teeth. It works to reduce your gum pockets.

Reduces bad breath: When we brush our teeth, we often forget about the palate and tongue. Food particles can build up on the palate and build up on the teeth. Plaque is a sticky film that builds up on your teeth. Plaque can also cause bad breath. As part of our teeth cleaning, our dentist at V3M, 5T5, will use the tongue scraper

Brightens your teeth: Coffees, teas, and other stain-causing foods can cause your teeth to become stained brown or yellow. Your dentist will clean your teeth to remove the stain and keep them looking bright. However, if you have discolored teeth, your dentist may suggest teeth whitening.

What are the drawbacks to teeth cleaning?

While teeth cleaning are safe, there are a few risks associated with it. One of the risks is nerve bruising, which occurs when the dentist inadvertently cuts into the soft tissues of the teeth. Another risk is tooth sensitivity, which is caused by the gritty toothpaste that is used to clean the teeth. Tooth sensitivity is temporary and usually only lasts for a few hours or a few days. Tooth-sensitive toothpaste can help alleviate some of this discomfort.


Preventing cavities is the best way to keep your smile looking and feeling great for years to come. Follow the steps in this step-by-step guide and you’ll be on your way to a lifetime of gorgeous smiles. If you’re interested in learning more about how to prevent cavities, or if you’d like to book an appointment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team. We’d love to hear from you! Here’s to your beautiful smile and overall oral health!

"Unlock Your Brightest Smile Today! Feel free to contact us at Platinum Smile Dental Clinic for expert dental care and personalized guidance towards optimal oral health”.


Shop 17, Future Towers (T59), Amanora Urban Plaza, Amanora Park Town, Hadapsar, Pune 411028, Maharashtra, India.

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